Radio Commentaries

Week: April 29th - May 3, 2024


4/29/24 - The Liberty Bell


I thought it would be good to be reminded of our nation’s Christian heritage. The National Park Service says this about the Liberty Bell on display in Pennsylvania.

“In 1751, the Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly ordered a new bell for the State House. He asked that a Bible verse be placed on the bell: ‘Proclaim Liberty throughout all the Land Unto all the inhabitants thereof—Leviticus 25:10.’ …It rang many times for the public announcements, but we remember times like July 8, 1776, when it may have announced the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.”

I wonder if students in your public schools will learn about the biblical heritage of our country. You can be a gateway to better education. For more resources visit our HOME PAGE


4/30/24 - Consent of the Governed


I encourage you and your family to reflect on America’s heritage of independence rooted in biblical thinking. It began with the Pilgrims came on the Mayflower. They wanted independence from the religious persecution they faced in Europe. When they landed in America, they brought something else with them – the idea of “consent of the governed.”

They believed in a covenant relationship with each other based on the New Testament teaching about the Church. They wrote in the Mayflower Compact that in the presence of God, and one another they agreed to “covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic.”

I wonder if students in your public schools will learn about the biblical heritage of our country. You can be a gateway to better education. For more resources visit our HOME PAGE


5/1/24 - The Meaning of Religious Freedom


Religious freedom is a term that is often misunderstood. It does not mean we are completely free to do whatever we want in the name of our religion.  

Attorney Luke Goodrich in his book, Free to Believe, offers this definition: “Religious freedom means the government should leave us alone, as much as possible, to practice our beliefs.”

That means allowing a Christian to carry his Bible, a Muslim woman to wear her Hijab, or a Jewish man to wear his prayer shawl. The role of the government is to limit religious expression as little as possible and protect it as much as possible because it is an inalienable right given to us by God -- a power higher than government.

If you’d like to help promote religious freedom, visit our Free to Speak page.


5/2/24 - Responding to The Master


Psalm 123:2 says, “as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God.”

When the master in Psalm 123:2 gestures a command to his servant, that servant better be prepared to act. Likewise, if you are praying for an improvement in some aspect of your school, or for a way to teach your children discernment regarding something they are learning at school, you need to prepare now for when the Master gestures for you to act.

God wants you to participate in his activity in your schools this year. Are you ready?

You can be a gateway to better education for your children and students. For help, visit this ARTICLE on being a Godly influence at school.


5/3/24 - Take a Step of Faith


This year, think of the opportunities you’ll have to be a positive Christian witness to those you interact with in your children’s schools.

God put you right where you are for such as time as this. There are three steps I recommend you take: First, make a list of people you will interact with at school- teachers, administrators, staff, and other parents. Next, ask God to open doors to be an influence in their lives. Then, when God opens a door, take a step of faith with Him and minister to them. So often we only think about what our schools are doing for us. I challenge you to pray about what you can do to reflect Christ to the people in your schools.

You can be a gateway to better education for your school. For help, visit this ARTICLE on five steps to be a positive influence on people around your children at school.