
Week: February 3rd - 7th, 2025


2/3/25 - Faith is More Than an Opinion


Too often in today’s cultural debates people confuse someone’s faith with their opinion. So, when it comes to a moral position based on religious faith the attitude is, “Well, just change your opinion.” But it doesn’t work that way.

An opinion is a viewpoint based on beliefs. I can’t change my opinion if it is based on my belief about what God says is right and wrong. It’s not my opinion, it’s God’s. My beliefs and actions have eternal consequences. They are not whims. Worshiping God is not a hobby. Going to church is not a social club.

We are told by the pop culture that we need to get on the so-called “right side of history.” Well, as a Christian I’m most concerned about being on the right side of eternity.

When it comes to your children’s faith as they attend public schools, you must guide them to stand strong. For more resources visit our HOME PAGE.


2/4/25 - Biblical Worldview about Literature


What will Jesus be thinking while he sits with your children in their English/Language Arts classes?

You can prepare your children to have a biblical worldview as they sit in class by discussing what Jesus is thinking while he is sitting with them. Jesus thinks biblically and so should your children.

The books your children will read tell stories of how characters deal with truth, beauty, goodness, struggle or tragedy. This is a great opportunity to think about how the characters live up to, or fall short of, what God says about those topics. You can encourage your children to ask themselves, “How should the characters have responded to a situation in the story if they were following God?” Or, “What does this story tell me about the fallen nature of people?”

You can be a gateway to better education for your children by helping them think like Jesus as they read books. For more information, click HERE.


2/5/25 - California Standards & The Gospel


The California Department of Education wants every sixth-grader in California’s public schools to know the Gospel.

The California Department of Education’s academic standards for sixth-grade Social Studies says this when it comes to learning about the Roman Empire and the birth of Christianity:

[Students are to] “Note the origins of Christianity in the Jewish Messianic prophecies, the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament, and the contribution of St. Paul the Apostle to the definition and spread of Christian beliefs (e.g., belief in the Trinity, resurrection, salvation).”

There are over half a million six-graders in California public schools and they all supposed to learn the Gospel as taught by the Apostle Paul! What’s in your state’s academic standards?

We’ve analyzed every state’s standards. You can get our summary of your state’s academic standards showing where the Bible and Christianity can be taught - click HERE.


2/6/25 - Mt. Rushmore & Creation


What does Mt. Rushmore have to do with the origin of life?

There are ways to help public school students think twice about evolution without opening a Bible or referring to God. Teaching about Mt. Rushmore makes for a good opportunity.

You can make a joking comment about Mt. Rushmore being an amazing example of random chance and erosion. This can then lead to a discussion about how we can tell the difference between random chance and purposeful design.

When people see a meaningful design, their experience tells them it was the done by a designer – not by random chance. A design is a pattern that expresses a message. Students just may remember that as they sit in their biology class and learn about DNA.

For a free article on “Helping Public School Students Think About Creation,” click HERE.


2/7/25 - Relying on Divine Providence


Some have suggested that because the Declaration of Independence doesn’t mention Jesus Christ, it reflects a deist’s view of God by the Founders.

Deists belief God created the world but is not active in it. However, scholars Gary Amos and Richard Gardiner in their book Never Before in History point out that the Declaration ends with an appeal to “the protection of Divine Providence.” Only people who believe in a personal God would make such an appeal. Deists wouldn’t bother.

Today, as our nation is spiraling downward morally, we must rely on Divine protection in standing for truth. You can be a gateway to better education for the children in your local schools. There are many Christian teachers and administrators in your schools who need your help. To find out how you can bless them, click HERE.