School Bans Poinsettias and Santa -- too religious
An elementary school principal in Stockton, CA, has banned Santa Claus and poinsettias from the classroom. When a local reporter asked why, the principal gave no comment. However, a district official explained that "teachers are encouraged to be respectful." Respectful of what?
Poinsettias are now considered religious symbols that will offend non-Christians? This is just the latest example of how fear and misinformation leads to unnecessary censorship at Christmas.
You can make sure YOUR local school principals have the FACTS about how to lawfully acknowledge Christmas and support freedom of religious expression at school all year long.
Support our Holiday Restoration Campaign today and we will send school principals in your community the information they need to move from fear to freedom.
In the next 30 days, we want to contact school officials in your community.
Let me explain how you can have us send materials on religious liberties to school officials in your community. This will go a long way toward keeping Christ in Christmas and promoting students' and teachers' freedom of religious expression all year long!
WE WILL REACH OUT to a school principal in your community FOR YOU.
Without mentioning your name, we will send to the school official of your choice:
Our special Christmas Restoration Card -- a unique booklet explaining what schools can do to recognize the religious aspects of Christmas. It includes legal documentation and lesson plan ideas.
50 Free to Speak pamphlets -- these pocket-sized pamphlets quote the U.S. Department of Education clarifying students' freedom of religious expression.
A friendly, personalized letter from an Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney -- ADF has volunteered its time to our campaign and will send a letter clarifying what the Supreme Court says about students' and teachers' religious liberties.
At Gateways to Better Education, we have helped thousands of educators all across the country move from fear to freedom in their classrooms. Often, parents and grandparents are the ones who help get our life-changing materials into the hands of teachers.